Hi all,

my four babes were BF when Guthrie's test was performed. For babe no 1. 
though, I had to fight to have this done as it was not "accepted practice 
here" as I was told by a grumpy midwife who was to busy to argue with me. She 
TOLD me that some babies became extremely distressed during this time, and 
she felt it better that he be taken away and have it performed in the nursery 
and that they would bring him back once settled. All the more reason I argued 
for me to be present should my babe become distressed, so I refused to have 
the test done in this manner and expressed vigorously my wish to be present 
and hold my baby preferably as he BF for this procedure. I then insisted on a 
"more gentle and empathetic staff member" who could accommodate my wishes to 
perform the test. 

My wishes were eventually respected and a beautiful woman sat with me and my 
babe in our room while performing the Guthries. She came and spoke with me 
before hand, and worked around Matthew's feeds. She was patient and waited 
for him to be settled at the breast first, made sure I was ready and 
comfortable and proceeded with little fuss or fluster!! The midwife's calm in 
this situation was for me paramount in performing the test. For the record, 
Matthew never even so much as whimpered!!!!!

A very happy mother (and babe) and midwife!!

Babes 2, 3 and 4 all had their Guthrie's performed at home, in calm and 
comfortably settled and BF. Babe 2, not so much as a squeak, babe 3 cried 
alittle, but found the breast again and was immediately distracted, babe 4 
not a whimper either.

I am a firm advocate of performing Guthries with babes at the breast - with 
babe BF and settled, a warm comfortable room, mother relaxed and calm, 
midwife relaxed and calm in my experience, things generally go very smoothly.

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"
Harriette Hartigan.
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