Title: Re: Guthrie's at the breast
More useless but interesting information --
Just a note on the larynx point you made Jackie - the speach thing and choking is because at the age of about 18months to 2 years the human larynx drops about an inch and a half to two inches allowing the development of speach and also allowing us to choke.  This does not drop in  monkeys (chimps etc etc) That is why they can't talk and we can. 
Therefore, speach becomes more understandable at the age of 18months to 2 years and the voice becomes clearer.   Have you noticed that at about 18months the words suddenly become clearer and the voice changes?   - prior to this drop in position it is harder for an infant to vocalise with words and very hard to choke (not impossible but unlikely.)
Also, a newborn also does not breath through the mouth this is to prevent aspiration of milk when learning to feed.  Babies breath through their nose until at least a week old often older before they "learn" or are able to breath through their mouth.  (That is what we were taught)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Guthrie's at the breast

Just wondering if anybody out there is aware of any information on performing guthries on the babies whilst they are at the breast.

It is the best way, as far as Mother and child are concerned. As far as I know, babies are very unlikely to aspirate when they are newborn. It is only when they get older and start talking that aspiration becomes more of a problem – Chimpanzees, gorilla’s, etc, never choke (even as infants) but they also never talk. The tendency for humans to choke has something to do with the ability we have to talk (larger larynx?) and we have a protective mechanism when very small to help avoid this happening – that’s why small children have tiny, high pitched voices, that develop as they grow.

Anyway, I don’t think aspiration is an issue. And doing Guthrie's while breastfeeding is just so much less traumatic for mother and baby (I know, I insisted on it for my 3rd child – the other 2 I didn’t know about it).

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

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Too many Gods;
            so many creeds,
            Too many paths
             that wind and
            When just the art
             of being kind
             Is all the sad
              world needs...

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