Just another thought about ACMI possibilities.

After the really poor outcomes of the ANF staff/client ratio's, expecially in the post 
natal area where I heard 1 midwife to 
10 women... not counting the babies as clients/people at all!!, it would be fantastic 
to see midwives move on mass to the 
ACMI, if they were able to provide PI insurance. If we had a mass movement to the ACMI 
then it could be possible for the 
executive to be paid for their work or to have administrative support. This wouold 
have benefits all round as the ACMI 
executive would have more time to devote to our causes and not be burnt out by trying 
to do the ACMI work plus paid 
employment plus trying to have a life.

Some other possibilities to ponder?

In peace and joy
Sally Westbury

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