Dear Sally and list

The way to go is through all midwives joining the College! The 
greater the numbers the more power we have to change things.

The College PI deal where all members pay $250 and where both 
employed and self-employed midwives are covered for malpractice is a 
much better deal than ANF was offering.
The policy also gives all College midwives the opportunity to move 
from one practice domain to the other without fear of future 
litigation involving malpractice payouts.
Employed midwives can do the odd homebirth without fear of not being 
covered and self-employed midwives can work the odd casual shift in 
hospital knowing they have their own insurance to supplement any 
inadequate vicarious liability payouts.
Plenty of legal adivce is available with the College policy.

The initial $250 premium that ALL members will pay will get cheaper 
as the College numbers rise past the 4,000 mark. Who knows how cheap 
it will be when we hit the 5,000 members mark?
We will be better off than our NZ colleagues who pay a lot more to 
their College.


>Just another thought about ACMI possibilities.
>After the really poor outcomes of the ANF staff/client ratio's, 
>expecially in the post natal area where I heard 1 midwife to
>10 women... not counting the babies as clients/people at all!!, it 
>would be fantastic to see midwives move on mass to the
>ACMI, if they were able to provide PI insurance. If we had a mass 
>movement to the ACMI then it could be possible for the
>executive to be paid for their work or to have administrative 
>support. This wouold have benefits all round as the ACMI
>executive would have more time to devote to our causes and not be 
>burnt out by trying to do the ACMI work plus paid
>employment plus trying to have a life.
>Some other possibilities to ponder?
>In peace and joy
>Sally Westbury
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  Jan Robinson                                  Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 
2+ 9546 4350
  Independent Midwife Practitioner                      e-mail: 
  8 Robin Crescent                                      www:
  South Hurstville  NSW  2221                   National Coordinator, ASIM
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