My name is Bronni McGrath and i am a mother and midwife currently not practicing (except for my wonderful girlfriends).  i was introduced to this list by Jan Ireland a wonderful women who has been/is my mentor. i have been trying to keep up with all that happens on this list and have just read the latest emails on what is happening politically.  i would like to let you know that as a consumer i have called a public meeting in my area (Healesville, Vic) to help raise public awareness of the issue of PI Ins. being removed from midwives.  i have sent about 35 letters/invites out to families and written to my local papers (only 1 has published me).  Myself and a girlfriend have also written to both local members and received open interested replies.  i have never done this kind of thing before and as i sit down to write an agenda for the meeting the butterflies are fluttering!  i would appreciate any ideas  anyone has.  i will be focusing on the effectiveness of consumers having their say ie writing to local MPs, local papers etc.  keep up the great work everyone and know there are lots of us at home mothering trying to work out ways to support you all.   Bronni

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