Dear All
Not only do they see written lettes as significant
they keep all of them in files at least the Health Dept and Min does here in
WA and they are cited again!
A researcher confirmed this for me!
So pens to paper boys and girls!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sally-Anne Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: political action now

> Well done Bronni, it is wonderful to have people writing letters and
> getting it happenning. It makes me wonder how many women out there are
> doing similar stuff.
> About two years ago a guy in public health Canberra told me that each
> verbal or written comment/complaint to any department in health is equated
> to around 10,000 persons on a national scale.  He also stated that because
> they know this, they take individual actions or comments seriously.
> So when I am met with the inevitable comments like  'well your the only
> person who has a problem with this' or ' you are the only person to raise
> this issue'............... I quote what the public health department guy
> told me and they (whichever service I am dealing with) are totally
> gobsmacked with this statistic.
> A handy piece of info at a time when you are 'perceived to be the lone
> voice' in the wilderness.  The organisation/service/practitioner cannot(no
> matter how easy they had hoped to be able to) ignore you.
> So every letter, meeting and effort does count.
> Kind Regards
> Sally-Anne Brown
> ----------
> From: Steven McGrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: political action now
> Date: Sunday, 14 October 2001 17:09
> My name is Bronni McGrath and i am a mother and midwife currently not
> practicing (except for my wonderful girlfriends).  i was introduced to
> list by Jan Ireland a wonderful women who has been/is my mentor. i have
> been trying to keep up with all that happens on this list and have just
> read the latest emails on what is happening politically.  i would like to
> let you know that as a consumer i have called a public meeting in my area
> (Healesville, Vic) to help raise public awareness of the issue of PI Ins.
> being removed from midwives.  i have sent about 35 letters/invites out to
> families and written to my local papers (only 1 has published me).  Myself
> and a girlfriend have also written to both local members and received open
> interested replies.  i have never done this kind of thing before and as i
> sit down to write an agenda for the meeting the butterflies are
>  i would appreciate any ideas  anyone has.  i will be focusing on the
> effectiveness of consumers having their say ie writing to local MPs, local
> papers etc.  keep up the great work everyone and know there are lots of us
> at home mothering trying to work out ways to support you all.   Bronni
> --
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