It is not at all unusual in our unit that students don't gain experience in episiotomies. It is more unusual if they do! Our episiotomy rate is very low overall...about 3-4% for all births. The majority of these are performed by the registrars doing vacuums or forceps (and fortunately we don't have many of these either).

I work with many midwives who have NEVER done an episiotomy. On occasion, I get asked to do it for them. Thankfully, I have never had to do so in that situation. We have been conducting a survey of people's practices at birth to try and improve our intact perineum rate and the big disappointment to me was that almost no-one did perineal massage antenatally and the vast majority gave birth in the semi-recumbent position (not a spot most would choose out of hospital, me thinks!).

I think any one who rarely, if ever, performs episiotomy should hold their heads up high.......there is much evidence to back them up.

Love, Angela

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