This was in a birthing room? Obviously little regard for infection risk. NO doubt he would also do a manual evacuation in the birthing room rather than theatre as well. And what sort of analgaesia did the woman have?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: VBAC question

He just put on gloves and felt into the uterus.
Thanks for all the feedback.  I shall copy the reference from "Effective Care" and all your replies and hand it to him next week.  Watch this space!
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 30 March 2002 6:20
Subject: Re: VBAC question

Please explain just how he did this procedure?  I have never heard of it either.  MM
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:32 PM
Subject: VBAC question

Dear midwives
I have been back 'listening' on the list again for a few weeks now after a long pause. 
Today I was looking after a lady who was having a 'trial of scar' She ended up having a lovely VBAC and was very happy.  The obstetrician came in just after the birth and proceeded to don gloves in order to check the uterine scar!
I was a little shocked and said that I had never known of any such thing before, that I had never seen any other doctor do this, and that I had had 2 vbac's myself and would have kicked any doctor had he tried to do such a thing to me!  Said obs insisted that it was routine procedure, that it was well documented that the uterine scar should be checked to see that it had not dehisced during the birth, and proceeded to do just that.
So, to all of you out there, has anyone heard of this before, and does anyone know of any documentation to support such a barbaric act?  In 25 years of high and low- tech midwifery practise I have never met this before.
On a happier note, the birth was wonderful and the woman was so very pleased with herself (rightly so). I have been blessed with 5 lovely births in my last 5 shifts, we are BUSY again which is great after our enforced closure to birthing women during January.
Susan Cudlipp
Swan District Hospital WA

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