Dear All
Robin Payne's request and I take it Nikki's response reminds me of the
Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative which can be seen on the web address

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nikki Macfarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: consumer representation

> I wrote the following for another list I am on for doulas. This is my
> Standard":
> What I would like to see, and aim for having established, in all
> institutions and practices that support pregnant and
> labouring women and new parents. The following is my gold standard.
> yours is different. perhaps we should each have our own if we have any
> of effecting change.
> The Gold Standard for All Birthing Women:
> Antenatally:
> No routine testing for fetal abnormality:
> full explanations given of the false positive & negative rates, the
> and risks, the decisions that need to be considered when there is a
> outcome to a test.
> No routine ultrasound scanning except by maternal request
> Full information provided on self help and dietary considerations for
> diagnosed with GBS, gestational diabetes, pre eclampsia, anaemia and high
> blood pressure
> Quality antenatal education available for all
> Exercises taught to all women for encouraging a breech or posterior baby
> turn
> ECV & moxibustion suggested and practiced wherever possible for breech
> babies
> All doctors taught the techniques & skills necessary for vaginal births of
> breech babies
> Consent forms for caesarean and epidural made available antenatally for
> women to read, ask questions about and understand
> Hospital policies and routines published and made available antenatally
> Labour & Birth
> The following not to occur unless there is a medical indication, which is
> explained ot the mother with the benefits, risks, alternatives and
> outcomes if nothing is done provided for her:
> IV's & heplocks
> episiotomy
> electronic fetal monitoring
> suctioning
> eye drops
> induction
> pain relief
> lying on the bed
> stirrups
> time limits
> Vaginal examinations
> restrictions on eating and drinking
> stitching for first degree tears
> cord traction fo rnatural third stage
> drapes
> enemas
> The following made available in every birthing environment:
> massage oil
> mattress on the floor
> dimmed lighting
> adjustable temperature
> water in the form of bath or shower
> low lighting
> heat packs
> variety of seating (rocking chair, bean bag, birth ball etc)
> perineal compresses
> music
> All babies to be with mother immeidately after delivery, unless there is a
> medical need for baby to be separated
> Baby to be weighed and measured in labour room and returned straight to
> mother
> No baby to be washed or cleaned except by maternal request
> All mothers to be able to be upright and mobile if they wish to be,
> encouraged by the staff to do this
> Privacy available for all women, with all staff and attendants knocking
> before entering her room
> No pain relief to be offered by anyone in attendance, but available for
> woman who would like it
> No limit on number of attendants that mother wishes to have around her
> Vaginal examinations only by maternal request unless there is a
> during labour
> Postnatally
> All mothers to be supported and encouraged to offer breastfeeding to baby
> within one hour of delivery
> No routine jaundice testing
> No baby's in nursery unless requested by mother
> No pacifiers or water to be offered
> No artificial milk to be offered to breastfed babies unless there is a
> medical indication
> Full information on the risks and benefits of vaccination
> Full information on the risks and benefits of circumcision
> A room set aside in the special care baby unit for intensive care babies
> the parents to stay while their baby is in special care
> Breastpump to be available to all women with babies in special care
> All postnatal staff to be fully trained in breastfeeding techniques and
> possible problems
> All postnatal staff to be fully trained in recognising postnatal
> Support groups available, and contacts given to all women, of groups to
> support mothers with any problems or just to have support of other women
> postnatally
> That is what I am working towards. How do I do it? Empowerment of my
> clients. Education of the doctors I work with. Speaking up if I see
> something that I know is not supported by evidence and research. Don't sit
> back and expect things to change. They won't unless we make it happen.
> blame doctors for being thoughtless, insensitive and not offering choice.
> we, and our clients, don't ask for it to be any different it never will
> People do not change because everyone else is muttering to themselves
> how awful they are. They change because of pressure. Because they start to
> hear of another way.
> Nikki Macfarlane
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ozmidwifery list (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Robin Payne (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 5:07 PM
> Subject: FW: consumer representation
> > This message is from Robin Payne, who is a consumer activist
> > extraordinaire, and runs the Choices for Childbirth work in Melbourne.
> >
> > Dear friends
> >
> > I have become the consumer rep. on the Royal Australian & New Zealand
> > College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist's (RANZCOG) curriculum
> > development committee. Next Thursday (18th April)  I will participate in
> > full day workshop on the curriculum with 15 other committee members (all
> > members of RANZCOG). I am keen to represent as broad a view as possible
> > although feel there are some fundamental commonalities that all women
> would
> > expect from the obstetrician as her carer. I would value any feedback
> > comments from anyone who wishes to comment as I have been asked to make
> > 10 minute presentation at the study day on "A Consumer View of What the
> > Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Needs to be Like in 2020". As this is
> coming
> > up fairly soon your comments would be appreciated asap. Even if you just
> > jot down key points, I can then incorporate them into what I'm saying. I
> > will also be providing feedback via the Maternity Coalition journal
> > Matters on my presentation for the day.
> > Please feel free to contact via email or on (03) 9380 2863 if you would
> > like more info.
> > thanks, Robin Payne
> > ---
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