Title: URGENT - Support Midwives Canberra Rally Tuesday 23 April 12 Noon
I will be there and any one who wants a lift from Parramatta to canberra and back call me
Denise Hynd
(02) 9686 4213
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:27 PM
Subject: URGENT - Support Midwives Canberra Rally Tuesday 23 April 12 Noon

Hello All

I guess this is the proverbial ‘straw to break the Camel’s back’.

The Fed Health Minister has declined to invite the Australian College of Midwives to be represented at the Professional Indemnity Summit, to be held at Parliament House Canberra on Tuesday 23 April, yes next Tuesday. As most of you know midwives are the only health professionals without professional indemnity cover (effective 30 May 02).  Midwives also account for the greatest number of health professionals in maternity services (including all hospital midwives who are not affected by the insurance crisis).  The Federal Government is discounting 15 years of state and federal enquiries and a wealth of literature that states midwives as the most appropriate and cost effective carer for the vast majority of pregnant women, those who are healthy!

I know this is an ask but we need a rally, doesn’t need to be huge but close to 50 would be great (the bigger the better).  The Gov is saying in this action that midwives are not players in maternity service provision in this country and God help us achieving anything if we can’t even get observer status at a meeting!! The beauty of this opportunity is that it is a national event and we can piggyback on national media (of which I’m already lining up) so please if you do anything, jump in a car or get to Canberra anyway you can.

I am happy to act as a co-ordinator so if you can come let me know, also give me your details and if you have a car and can provide a lift and from where etc etc.  PS I know babies and pregnant bellies get tired at rallies but we need as many of both as we can get (I’m lucky to have both)!!!!!!

You will need to be in Canberra at Parliament House by 12 noon, Tuesday April 23.


Justine Caines

Maternity Coalition   Contact details: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (02) 6238 1041

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   or (02) 6238 1041

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