So in England, if "classes" are w/ a CBE on behalf of
the National Childbirth Trust, are the classes & CBE
financially sponsored by the NCT so that the classes
are either free or of low cost to the woman?

I don't know much about the system.

Thanks, Jen

 --- James & Stephanie Fairbairn
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi everyone on
the oz list;
> I have recently moved from England to Adelaide and
> as a qualified childbirth educator I am attempting
> to set up some classes here in Adelaide. At first,
> not knowing the system here I tried to find a post
> at a hospital - but I am not a midwife, so I didn't
> get very far with that... Right now I am thinking
> about running classes myself independantly and am
> wondering what is the best way to go about it.
> I have been reading all the ozmid messages with
> interest over the past few months and would value
> your opinions about how women may feel about
> attending classes outside of the hospital system as
> it does not appear to be the 'culture' of the birth
> experience here. In Britain I used to work on behalf
> of the National Childbirth Trust and couples would
> book months in advance to get a place on a course as
> well as going to the hospital ones, so it's a bit of
> culture shock for me here!! I suppose the main
> differences in hospital and private classes were
> that you were in a smaller group of 6-8 couples and
> each class were free to set their own agenda for the
> course and over 9 sessions of 2 hours there was more
> time to discuss issues and practice positions and
> demonstrate massage etc.. Often the couples I taught
> were meeting together after the first few weeks and
> still see eachother regularly months and years
> later. In fact at the reunions the biggest benefit
> they cite is the group support in the postnatal
> period from people they have got to know closely and
> feel they have gone though this enormous experience
> together - it appears that the men get as much from
> this as the women.
> I would love to hear any advice from everyone out
> there on the list and possibly midwives in Adelaide
> who could advise me on how of even if I could
> promote my classes in this area when women come to
> book in their pregnancy. Also, from any breatfeeding
> counsellors who might be prepared to lend some
> support to breastfeeding sessions within the course.
> THANKS!!!!.......from Stephanie in Adelaide.

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