Thanks for sharing Macha :-)  I'm very impressed and I'm sure your
experience will be inspirational to others.

By the way, how did the "bottlefeeding fascist mother" take to you
relactating??!  Hopefully she learnt a thing or two also!


----- Original Message -----
From: Macha McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ozmidwifery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 11:48 PM
Subject: relactation

> Macha's relactation story.....
> Baby Emeleen was born 22nd March, 2001.  First day was great.  Second
> was a nightmare.  She wouldnt stop crying and my nipples were beginning to
> hurt.  Midwife taught me to use controlled crying...on my 2 DAY old baby
> I knew then what I know now!).  She howled through the night, I after
> exhausting and highly interventional labour was exhausted.  Nobody would
> take my baby to the nursery, I was beginning to become irrational.  Next
> morning, baby still crying, midwife says "I'm not supposed to say this,
> you need some sleep.  Would you like to give Emeleen some formula?".
> agreed, and entered downward spiral at this point.  Expressed madly
> the day so I wouldnt have to give her formula again.  When I got home,
> 3 days in hospital, (sore nipples gone, technique on the ball) we were
> alright, feeling a bit stressed and tired, but coping.  Day 5, enter
> bottlefeeding fascist mother.  "Shes hungry, you dont have enough milk,
> boobs look smaller etc etc".  Give baby another bottle.  Attend hospital
> centre, told to feed 3 hourly and express.  I still felt incredibly
> stressed.  Baby began putting on weight and was doing fine, but I was
> convinced, under influence of my mother, that it was not enough.  She put
> a whole lot, then in 5 days put on 15g, and I panicked.  Started giving
> bottles.  Contacted ABA and got a supply line.  Got a script of maxalon,
> continued to b/f and supplement with supply line until Emeleen was 5
> old (and a bit).  Totally on formula, she was incredibly constipated, so I
> decided to relactate, also because I missed breastfeeding, and felt
> inadequate, and like a failure.  I used Goldfarb/Newman protocol (Diane35
> and domperidone) to buil up breast tissue and after a month started
> expressing anywhere from 8-12 times a day.  Tried every method under the
> to get Emeleen back to the breast, and the best I could do was get her to
> bite them..and then crack up laughing at mummies reaction.  I persevered
> am able to express about 140mls per day...not much, but I feel great!!!!
> Emeleen, now 14 months is incredibly interested in my boobs.  Always
> down my shirt and squealing with delight when she squeazes milk from my
> nipples.  It is surprisingly a good feeling...although not a complete
> breastfeeding relationship, we have our own way of doing it.  The best
> about it is that I feel satisfied.  I feel like I have achieved something,
> although it may seem like nothing to others.  The very fact that she has
> learnt to accept my breasts and play with them is enough....and of course,
> she gets the important breastmilk!!!
> --
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