Title: Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation
Further to Denise’s letter to Dr Karl! (Go Denise!!!).  Here are his details, other than through the paper. He will get the e-mail faster and there is a phone number too.  Karl is a well received “POP” scientist so if we can get him to retract it would be quite valuable.  Men that wear bright swirly patterned shirts and appear on Rove Live blowing up light globes in microwaves should not interfere in women’s birthing business.  He needs to be told!

Justine Caines
MC – ACT Branch

Karl S. Kruszelnicki,
> Julius Sumner Miller Fellow,
> The Science Foundation for Physics,
> School of Physics,
> Building A-28,
> The University of Sydney,
> NSW   2006
> PHONE (OZ) 02-9351-2963 (w), 0419-29-6610 (m)  FAX   02-9351-7726(w)
> PHONE (INTERNATIONAL) +61-2-9351-2963 (w), +61-419-29-6610 (m)
> FAX   +61-2-9351-7726(w)

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