Hi Sheena,
Sounds like a nightmare (literally).Poor bub, poor parents -lucky they have (poor sleepless) you.
Do you wonder as I do, how our older kids survived -when we were told to put them on their tummies to sleep.
?? have you tried the good old sling?? babies often sleep there snuggled against mum or dadswarm body (or grandma) -or in a hammock -see www.solcreations.com.au
 Being fairly "fresh" from researching this stuff for my book '100 Ways to Calm the Crying"(there is a good list of resources in the back) - it seems the earlier the gestation, the more arousals babies have -the younger the baby the less likely it is to sleep for very long.
Of course if thre are painful problems like "reflux" etc sleep is optional - by the way, apparently the best physiological position for reflux bub s (after meals) is on their tummies with heads propped up at a thirty degree angle so this may explain why she is more comfortable on her tummy.
The danger with tummy sleeping is that babies DO arouse less - this is why they are at greater risk of SIDS on their tummies - according to James mcKenna -it is the arousals that may be the protective factor against SIDS -and the more immature the bub, the greater the risk.
This is also why sleep training for young babies is dangerous -it isnt in babies best interests to sleep too soundly for too long. ie The arousals have a protective effect.
Also the risk of SIDS is increased by co-sleeping on sofas .
Meanwhile some tips include:
?? check for urinary tract infection - possibly no symptoms other than crying ( dont see that tummy sleping would make a difference to this.)
colic tummy massage routine twice daily may also help (about twenty minutes after a breastfeed in the morning and again in the evening -pre-empting the crying), plus a relaxation bath in the evening.
Eliminating dairy and/ or salicylates/ caffeine from mums diet can help too. 
Another sleep "aid" may be Music For DReaming (Sound Impressions -distributed by SONY and should be in Target/ Myer etc or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) - a lovely CD of classical music recorded as one continuous piece in the 3/4 rythm -the natural rythm of the human heartbeat -it seems to have a soothing effect on parents and bubs -I have used it to calm an older child (and myself).
But really, this little one seems to need the comfort of a person to help regulate her body rythms so  carrying in a sling during the daytime is a really nice way to help her feel secure as well as physically helping with the discomfort of immature digestive and nervous systems.
Best wishes

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