I would also suggest a type of chiro - cranial oseopathic treatment. It is especially relevant for colicky babies as the nerve that sends signals to and from the digestive system is often most vunerable to some sort of damage at birth. The damage I mean is possible a miss alignment or compresion which can produce this constant pain which will not be relived by winding. The baby seems to be trying to relieve itself by shuffling up and down on its stomach? As the bones in the head are mobile around birth and sometimes posterior babies can become lodged in a less favourable position prior to birth; the cranial nerves and soft tissue can become misaligned and may or may not cause the baby symptoms. A paediatric osteo. once told me that every baby born by c/s or with forcept/vacuum should be routinely treated with this type of gentle massage which brings the tissues back into line.
Even when the baby does not display symptoms in childhood my osteo. says that back and neck problems may be created at this point in life and develop later as they are compounded by time.
As it is a non invasive therapy I used it on all my children soon after they were born - then you never know if you have cured  problem! - but it's worth a go if this little one is in so much discomfort.
----- Original Message -----
From: connorbear
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] SIDS

My suggestion would be chiropractic. Apparently it is great for colicky babies although I foudnd this out after my colicky baby eventually grew out of it. We resolved ourslelves with stomach sleeping and realised that the risk of SIDS was lowered by all the other factors and sleep and a happy household was important. Just make sure baby is on a firm mattress and turn her head so she is not face down.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 10:26 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] SIDS

I am a mid student and have just joined this site. I also have a new 5 week baby living with us, she was 3 weeks prem and is our grandchild. I was wondering if anyone can help. Baby Ruby has not slept for 2 weeks now, she has really bad colic. Lynley has done all the right things regarding breastfeeding, spent the day with the Lactation Consultatant, sorted out too much fore milk which was contributing to explosive green stools, tried everything to get Ruby to sleep. Lynley and partner (my stepson) live 200 yards away from us. Last night I invited Lynley over to our house and I did night duty, changing and  burping Ruby while Lynley  just woke to feed. I got two hours sleep for the night. The only time Ruby slept was when she was face down on my chest when I was lying on the couch. In desperation this morning I put her down in the bassinette on her stomach and bingo! she is still asleep. When I put her on her side or back the wind pains wake her up and hurt her; on her stomach she grunts and pulls her knees up, wriggles around, then goes back to sleep. So what do we do now, with all the advice against stomach sleeping? Does anyone have any advice out there.
Regards Sheena Johnson

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