Hi Eliza, not sure if you caught my other post... just wanted to say Hi ... I was in the same mid course as you :) 
How are you finding your first year out?  I am finding things  A LOT different to what I expected... where I am working, everybody is very 'scissor happy" :(  I am learning who to keep my mouth shut around, and who I can confide in about different little things.
Well, hope you are enjoying finally being a midwife :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 4:48 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] OFP

Dear Larissa,
Being new to 'the business', I couldn't help but pick up on your email about how you feel about OFP and how you are going to include it in your CBE classes. I would be very interested in a rundown on this interesting topic as we really didn't cover it in our course (Post Grad. Dip Midwifery). Surprise! Surprise!
Would you have any info you could perhaps send me/email me??

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