Hi Jo,
Good to hear from you and how things are going. All's well with me although I am slightly frustrated that my mid isn't going anywhere very fast! Due to family committments, I have only been able to do agency Mid since I moved up to Brisbane in January. Thus, I have only been getting Post Natal shifts and only 3 Birth Suite shifts since that time. The RWH here is the only place that will allow agency to work in their Birth Suites so believe it or not, I have not had ANY births since I graduated!!
But, I have done a couple of things in the last few weeks to try and change that. I have joined up to the RWH's casual pool and have requeted to only work in Birth Suite, so fingers crossed, this weekend will be the start of things!
Having said all that though, I have loved the past months and get sent to about 4 maternity hospitals in Brisbane, so you do get to know them well including the staff. Unfortunately, the Private hospitals have about a 50% C/S rate and also a high instrumental delivery rate but it tends to balance out with the other places I go to. So I feel like I'm really ready for Birth Suite and I feel (and always felt this way as a student) that that is where I want to end up. OR ................. the total other end of the spectrum .......... independent midwifery! I, like you, feel particularly uncomfortable with 'scissor happy' midwives, and eveything else interventionist, so I would like to see myself practising privately in say 5-10 years time! I have also just been to Holland and worked in a private midwifery practice so feel very inspired to change things!!
Glad to hear you are well. Are you still at RWH??
P.S. That baby with the mouth tears was the one from last year. I never got any answers as to why it had happened so I thought someone else could maybe shed some light on it!
Any amazing stories to swap that have happened to you this year?? If you prefer to contact me privately, email me at
Eliza Merbis

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