Dear List,
I am a Mum to a happy, healthy 17 month baby girl.  We had a wonderful natural birth experience in a regional hospital with an Obstetrician whom I hold in high regard; he was patient, respectful and receptive to our detailed birth plan.  We also had our fantastic and very knowledgeable CBE present who supported me like some kind of Earth Angel throughout the entire birth process and the ensuing weeks.  In fact, it is she who inspired me to pursue a life serving women as a CBE and possibly a midwife.
Recently, I was surfing the net and was amazed at the incredible reserve of information devoted to Midwifery.  One particular site caught my eye -  I am seeking input in relation to one particular post on this site pertaining to the Gloria Lemay case.  Apparently, Gloria, a Canadian midwife, is serving a prison sentence as a reseult of legal action initiated by the British Columbian College of Midwives.  Representatives of this college alleged that Gloria had been negligent while assisting in a number of births.  Apparently her demise, resulting in her imprisonment, was largely the result of one particular case - this case being the subject of this email.
This post was written by Marc Ramsden, the partner of the plaintiff.  Marc gives his account of the events leading up to, and during, the birth of their baby son.  Based on his version of events, one finds it difficult to reserve any sympathy for Gloria Lemay's cause.  I think that Gloria's actions, if what Marc says is accurate, constitute gross misconduct and negligence.  But despite the horror of the events described, I cannot help feeling perplexed.
Further investigation of this case, via other web sites, reveals a significant level of support for Gloria Lemay.  It is explained that Gloria has caught over 1000 babies (in a career spanning approx 20 years) and that many of her past clients have been more than happy with her services.  Further, I learnt that Lemay has a large following worldwide within the midwifery movement.                          
How then, can such a highly respected and experienced proponent of midwifery be accused of acts that are so obviously negligent.  Are the facts presented by Marc Ramseden inaccurate?  Did Gloria burn out and therefore act out of character?  Or is this a witch hunt?  How is Gloria Lemay perceived in Australian birth circles?
Please read the post in question at the aforementioned site; go to All Forums, then Legal Battles and Birth Politics, then go to Midwife Gloria Lemay's Legal Battles, and finally the entry by Marc (7:17, 16th August) on page 3.  I will appreciate any further input on this issue. 

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