In NSW, SIDS and SANDS are a combined organisation since about 1999/2000. This is due in large to the decrease in number of SIDS. See their site.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Tuesday, 27 August 2002 12:24:38 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] fdiu at 39 weeks
Dear Jan
If you are looking for external support networks for this woman, SANDS are
THE best and most appropriate resource for this woman. Their network has
been designed specifically for women with this type of loss, SIDS are
starting to dabble in all types of child loss and although they can do a
great deal for parents who lose infants to SIDS, I doubt their effectiveness
in this situation.
SANDS councellors (who have all experienced similar loss) are able to be
with this woman and her family for as long as they need them. They in fact
prefer to come in prior to birth in this situation as this assists in the
establishment of the support network which will be so important afterwards
as the family works its way through the grief process.
If you are looking for contacts in the south eastern suburbs please give me
a call

Alesa Koziol
Clinical Midwifery Educator

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