the email I got from you has an attachment too
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Hello - Brasil here...

Hello Ric

No, I am not aware of any attachments to  my messages - the list doesn't
handle attachments. My emails are all virus checked before they are sent,
so no idea what the attachment is all about (and I don't use Outlook
Express either!).



At 09:32 6/09/2003, Lynne Staff wrote:
>Hi Andrea - did you send an attachment with this email, because it came
>one and I just wanted to check....
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 9:00 AM
>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Hello - Brasil here...
>Hello Ricardo,
>Terrific to hear from you and to have you on the list. I hope you'll find
>the midwifery scene in Austrlaia interesting to read about.
>As you know, I've been able to have a first hand look at what is happening
>in Brasil and I am very excited about the work of REHUNA. Can I just say
>that I think REHUNA should be careful of the "doula" phenomenon? Rather
>than spending time on training a new team of people as doulas, why not put
>your energies into  re-shaping the thinking and up-skilling the nurses you
>already have working in maternity and at the same time, open your labour
>wards to family and friends of the labouring woman?  The work of Klaus and
>Kennell in the 1980's showed that in order to improve outcomes for
>labouring women all that was needed was to provide a companion for her, and
>one with no training was just as good as one with training.
>I've looked at birth in other parts of the world similar to yours and still
>think that the first and easiest step to take is to find a way to enable
>the woman to have her sister/mother/best friend with her during labour and
>birth. This is cheap, easy, woman friendly and easy to implement.
>I hope to be able to get back to Brasil to do some more workshops for your
>nurses on the basics of being "with women". In the meantime, I have written
>a Diary entry
>on doulas that you might like to read. A bit controversial but I think
>these things need to be said.
>Look forward to seeing you again!
>At 04:29 6/09/2002, Ricardo Herbert Jones wrote:
> >Hello everybody:
> >
> >My name is Ricardo Herbert Jones
> >I am an obstetrician from Brasil, and had the pleasure of meeting Andrea
> >Robertson this year in a Congress about Humanization of Childbirth in São
> >Paulo, Brasil.
> >As an obstetrician I would like to share experiences with midwives and
> >doulas all around the world, because I think that humanization of birth
> >an issue that has to do with every single person in this planet. Even
> >only women deliver babies (yet - who knows where the tecnocratic paradygm
> >will takes us?) all of us were once born, and lived during a limited time
> >in a womanīs womb. Were we rescued from there by doctors and eletronic
> >devices or were we cherished by momīs tender body till we entered this
> >world? These are different ways of looking to the same event. As I grew
> >old (I am 43 now, and work with births from 20 years) I learned that
> >shall be treated with caress and gentleness. Birth in our tecnocratic
> >society is seen as a mechanic phenomenon, and doctors usually see their
> >patients as objects, and not as persons and subjects. Thatīs a terrible
> >thing, because itīs a humanīs right problem.
> >I am one of the leaders of Rehuna (Humanization of Childbirth Network -
> >Brasil) and our struggle now is to empower women in their decisions about
> >chilbirth and force the government area to humanize the assistance to
> >women in the public hospitals. The first step is a doula project, called
> >"Friends in Light", to graduate doulas and doula trainners in Rio de
> >Ok, as u can see my english is not quite well, and I love to talk too
> >Hope I can get good advices from you all.
> >
> >Ricardo Herbert Jones
> >Ob/Gyn and Homeopath
> >Porto Alegre - Brasil
> >
> >__________________________________________________________________
> >Ricardo Herbert Jones
> >Ric
> >ICQ#: 1640612
> >Current ICQ status:   249cee.jpg
> >( Home Tel#:  55 51 9981 0445
> >( Work Tel#:  55 51 9981 0445
> >7 Fax#:  Ask me
> >+  <>More ways to contact me
> >i  <>See more about me:
> >__________________________________________________________________
> >
> >
> > -----
> > Andrea Robertson
> > Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> >
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > web:
> >
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Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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