Title: Message
Please may I be sent 2 posters and costs to address below
Thanks Terry Stockdale Independent Midwife/
Childbirth Information Service
156 Warwick Street
West Hobart 7000
----- Original Message -----
From: Vicki Chan
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Poster...for better birth!

Dear All....
Nic Edmondstone and I have developed a poster which supports the right of every woman to choose a midwife as her lead maternity carer...If you wish to see it, email me direct and I'll send it as an attachment. They are selling at cost price (printing and posting that is) to promote midwifery care, particularly important now in the lead up to NMAP.
Maternity Coalition will be distributing some in each state...there are plenty more available by emailing me.
Yours for Better Birth,

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