According to Tom Hale's Medications and Mothers Milk (the guru) tramadol has no pediatric concerns via breast milk, observe for sedation. It isn't contraindicated. We use it occasionally in oral form when a mum is allergic to codeine post LSCS. He doesn't give a particularly good rap to pethidine - sedation, poor suckling reflex, neurobehavioural delay. It may be something to consider seeing you have pharmacy support.
At the moment we use either pethidine topups of the epidural or pethidine or morphine PCA's post LSCS, combined with REGULAR paracetamol and voltaren round the clock. A few are starting to have either epidural or spinal morphine in theatre which lasts 24 hours, and the women seem really comfortable (again with regular panadol and voltaren). Morphine doesn't seem to cause as many problems with the babies, probably because of it's poor oral bioavailability. Hope this helps
-------Original Message-------
Date: Sunday, 06 October 2002 09:35:27 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Tramadol
Dear Vance and Edwina,
I do not know about Tramadol in labour but I do know that it is
contraindicaed if you are breast feeding.

Love Lina
>From: "Vance & Edwina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Tramadol
>Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 19:51:51 +0930
>Hi Lisa,
>Did you ever find out more about Tramadol - I would be interested to
>hear the outcome.
>Cheers, Edwina (midwife & mother, SA)
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Lisa
>Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2002 12:06 PM
>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Tramadol
>The anaesthetic dept. at the hospital where I work has asked the
>pharmacy to look at removing pethidine from the formulary for both
>general and maternity clients (mainly because of adverse side-effects).
>They suggest that tramadol is a safer alternative and that a "number of
>published studies" have shown that;
>* it is safe and effective in labour and birth
>* it doesnt cause respiratory depression in mother or baby
>* it has no adverse effect on:
> - length of labour
> - incidence of instrumental birth
> - neonatal outcome
>I have not read these studies. I am interested in hearing a discussion
>around the use of this drug and where other hospitals around the country
>are at in terms of using both pethidine or tramadol in labour.

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