Ditto - except our kitty birthed in the lounge room and ate all 5 placentas
for all kittens (after each birth she ate the placenta - she had 30 mins+
b/w each kitten).

I'd heard the predator theory too, and also understand placenta very high in
zinc - a mineral which helps both mother and babe remain calm, and excellent
for the skin - helps prevent grazed nipples.  Doubtless consuming placentas
has many benefits.  Having said that - I go for the zinc supplements

> I watched our cat give birth to five kittens under the house years ago.
She ate three placentas with gusto, managed to stomach the fourth and took a
nibble at the fifth before turning away with a grimace as if to say 'I just
can't' .
> Margie
> --------------------------------------------------------

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