Hi everyone,

Nic's videos have my vote as well.  When I first saw the images of the first one she 
did, I thought that we needed the general public to see these, and then they'd 
understand what we're trying to say.  A picture tells a thousand words.....

Have a great day


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Semple [mailto:jennifer.semple1@;students.vu.edu.au]
Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2002 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

I think those CPA ads are really effective too.  & if you have a really 
good ad that people actually like to see, I think one ad is just as 
effective as 3 different ones.

An ad for midwifery is a GREAT idea... ofcourse I have NO IDEA how much 
ad space/time costs... but EVERYONE loves to look at babies.

Nic Edmonstone's videos are so powerful... radiating beauty, emotion, & 
love... she would be able to get to the heart of it in 10 seconds or 
however much time an ads is.

Anyway, just my two cents.  Cheers, Jen

----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:35 am
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

> Hi list
> I couldn't agree with Robyn and Julie more about TV coverage but
> participation in a regular show would take yet another one of us 
> away from
> our lifelong passion of childbirth. We would needs lottsa moola to 
> pay for a
> well known personality to front up for us on a weekly basis.
> We could get together and make a TV advert to be shown on prime 
> time when
> most of the younger thinking women take time out to watch the news or
> follow-on shows.   This is how the CPAs did so well in establishing
> themselves in the Australian community. Also remember the series 
> of ads the
> GPs put on a few years ago in response to the alternative 
> practitionerstaking away much of their business? They were very 
> effective.Another possibility to target is the ABC late affternoon 
> shows put on to
> educate kids.
> We definitely need a follow on from NMAP while the public still 
> remember it.
> Perhaps we could fundraise through the College, ASIM and NACE to 
> produce two
> or three "smash-hit" ads that would create huge interest in 
> seeking out
> one-to-one midwifery care.
> Another alternative is to convince some budding film makers 
> (anyone got one
> amongst their clients?) to put some time and energy into making 
> such an AD
> at reduced rates. It literally costs thousands of $$$ to produce a 
> halfminute ad for TV. 
> Once we own the ad. we could make copies and show them at every 
> childbirtheducation class across the country ... Especially 
> "Choices for Childbirth"
> evenings that are being run by MC supporters.
> Jan
> On 23/10/02 12:52 PM, "Robyn Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe we should develop a dossier with all the current facts and 
> research> extracts that we all carry when spreading the word A 
> NMAP DOSSIER that means
> > we are all spreading the same world with the latest facts.  If 
> we all
> > contribute someone like me or others maybe able to compile it 
> and update it.
> > It could go to anyone on the Planet it would united and factual 
> the message
> > strong and concise.
> > 
> > In agreeance with a National TV Programme that teaches practical 
> information> weekly would be good. Something to replace the 
> Soapies.  I go into many
> > homes every week and the families are almost always watching the 
> soapies> often they don't turn it off during our 1 to 2 hour 
> consultation.  At times
> > I have to ask for the volume to be turned down.
> > 
> > If only we had a National dynamic programme for FAmilies, 
> students, on
> > pregnancy, birth breastfeeding and lot's more!!!!!!  How many 
> people might
> > we reach?????
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@;acegraphics.com.au]On Behalf Of Julie 
> Clarke> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:03 PM
> > Subject: [ozmidwifery] educating the community
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all
> > Denise's suggestion to use TV as an effective medium for 
> educating the
> > public is certainly something I agree with, and I hope that 
> somewhere> someone is working on a script.
> > In the meantime in my everyday life I talk to anyone and 
> everyone about
> > normal childbirth and Australia's uniquely abnormal system 
> compared to
> > other countries.
> > Yesterday I was attending a course Certificate V Workplace 
> Training and
> > I was able to get in the topic on several occasions.
> > (a) one of the other participants was 5 months pregnant :-) golden
> > opportunity ! She is booked in to a private hospital.  I was 
> able to
> > explain the intervention rates at private hospitals and other 
> options> she might like to consider.  :-)
> > (b) the trainer was of Dutch descent. So I praised her country 
> of origin
> > and informed her of the nature of maternity services, the safety 
> etc She
> > was surprised and totally unaware of the extent of homebirth in her
> > country and the safe outcomes.
> > 
> > That just give 2 examples of how these people who were previously
> > completely oblivious to the reality of maternity services in 
> Australia> and now they know.
> > Chances are they will talk to someone else who will talk to someone
> > else...
> > Beautiful isn't it :-)
> > 
> > Julie Clarke
> > Childbirth and Parenting Educator
> > Transition into Parenthood
> > 9 Withybrook Pl
> > Sylvania  NSW  2224
> > T. (02) 9544 6441
> > F (02) 9544 9257
> > M. 0401 265 530
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@;acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of 
> Denise Hynd
> > Sent: Monday, 21 October 2002 11:36 AM
> > Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Rape by stealth (longish)
> > 
> > Dear All
> > I keep coming back to the need for our community to see and 
> understand> that
> > there is another way a woman centred way to birth.
> > The women and families need to see it so they can ask for it as 
> do the
> > midwives and other health professionals
> > So please some one help get a programme on national TV that 
> looks at and
> > follows women, families and the midwives thru women centred care in
> > Australia
> > On the Community Midwfery Program Wa as with most homebirths the 
> labours> prgress with love and support for what the woman needs 
> most births
> > happen
> > with out VE's and so many other intrusions!
> > 
> > Please does some one have a connection to help show this way of 
> birthing> and
> > care in pregnancy to our nation!!
> > Denise
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Robin Moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:35 AM
> > Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Rape by stealth (longish)
> > 
> > 
> >> It's all very scary isnt it?
> >> the majority of women will accept such practices because of their
> > belief
> > in
> >> the infallibility of the doctor to do what is right. Aside from the
> > issue
> >> where some people feel raped by such procedures, many accept it
> > because it
> >> is seen as the doctor 'doing' something. He 'had' to induce, or he
> > 'had'
> > to
> >> find the cervix. I just find it so sad. A cervix that is not 
> ready is
> > the
> >> clearest indicator that ---- it's not ready! Not that it requires
> > pummelling
> >> into submission. I once cared for a woman who remained 4cm for a
> > number of
> >> hours despite good contractions. Her obstetrician came and within
> > minutes
> >> had manipulated the cervix into being fully dilated - plenty of 
> blood> in
> >> that procedure. I was appalled- imagine how sore she would have 
> been> next
> >> day.
> >> 
> >> Mary Chiarella talks about theses issues in her book ' Silence 
> in the
> >> Courts'. She suggests nurses live in a professional  
> 'shadowland' when
> > it
> >> comes to  an ability to intervene in unsavoury medical 
> practices. Or,
> > more
> >> realistically, be heard.
> >> http://www.nmh.uts.edu.au/whatsnew/2000/silence.html
> >> 
> >> Robin
> >> 
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Lynne Staff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 9:13 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Rape by stealth (longish)
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> You know Denise, you have touched on something I have 
> discussed with
> > Vicki
> >>> many times - love. What we (aspire to) do as midwives means loving
> > women.
> >>> And I have also experienced anger and hate for speaking about this
> >>> (situations where women suffer at the hands of professionals 
> who are
> >>> supposed to care but cannot, or else why would they not stop 
> when a
> > woman
> >>> asks them to, when she feels she is hurting, or being injured or
> > worse,
> >>> violated).
> >>> 
> >>> So I say again, as I did in a recent posting, there is a Health
> > Rights
> >>> Commission there to be utilised in instances just such as 
> these. If
> > the
> >>> woman cannot find the strength (or does not wish, for whatever
> > reason)
> > to
> >>> take the issue further, then we as midwives can (we can in QLD 
> -
> >> anonymously
> >>> too, because midwives also are threatened for rocking the boat).
> > Partners
> >>> often feel intense anger at what occurs, but when the babe is 
> born,> there
> >> is
> >>> the "well, thank goodness my partner and the baby are OK" thoughts
> > which
> >> are
> >>> reinforced by professionals when they say  "a good outcome, eh?"
> > There
> > is
> >> an
> >>> increasing body of evidence which points to the trauma 
> partners also
> >>> experience when they are witness to these ATROCITIES (and one 
> has to
> > call
> >>> them that, for that is what they are). This is so connected to the
> >> couple's
> >>> most intimate, personal and sexual selves - but where are the
> > avenues
> > for
> >>> them to say "No DON'T!" Or when they do say, shout....plead, who
> > hears,
> >> and
> >>> moreso, who listens?
> >>> 
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "Denise Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 11:11 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Rape by stealth (longish)
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>>> Dear Megan and others
> >>>> I wish this was an aberation but as some one who has taken
> > students
> > for
> >>>> maternity expereince in different hospitals and done agency work
> > in
> > even
> >>>> more I have seen too much acceptance of this insensitivity to the
> >> physical
> >>>> and emotional feelings of women.
> >>>> Look at this particualr situation and multiply it be even a smal
> >>> proportion
> >>>> of the ARMs out there!
> >>>> 
> >>>> There would have been hospital staff present when this was
> > happening
> > did
> >>>> they say anything were they even looking to see how this 
> woman was
> >>> reacting,
> >>>> let alone her partner??
> >>>> 
> >>>> Why did they not say anything to him let alone intercede?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Too many of us do not question let alone act to stop these
> > situations.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Rather midwives help set the women up for these procedures and
> > maintain
> >>> that
> >>>> this is necessary that really sadenes me!!
> >>>> And I have expereinced the anger and hate when I say these things
> >>>> 
> >>>> For me we need the change of implementing NMAP not only to 
> improve> the
> >>>> experinces of the birthing women but to bring the attendants back
> > to
> >> what
> >>> it
> >>>> is to be a woman to feel her real pains, to be "with Woman"  and
> > act
> > to
> >>> stop
> >>>> the cause, to show them they can and should act in love not fear
> > around
> >>>> birth.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Denise
> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>> From: Larry & Megan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>> To: ozmidwifery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:30 PM
> >>>> Subject: [ozmidwifery] Rape by stealth (longish)
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>>> Can I burrow some wisdom from the list?
> >>>>> I have just visited my friend and her new baby in hospital. Her
> > doctor
> >>>>> suggested she be induced a week early because her baby was
> > looking
> >> like
> >>>>> being a good 9lb plus?(her first was 9lb). She trusted his
> > wisdom
> > and
> >>> went
> >>>>> ahead, having gels late evening and the following morning,
> > nothing
> >>>>> happening. At 1pm he broke her waters. This bit I am appaled at.
> > He
> >> has
> >>>> very
> >>>>> large hands, and the agony it caused her was awful, even to the
> > point
> >> of
> >>>>> screaming at him to stop. He didn't. Eventually labour started
> > and
> >> late
> >>>> that
> >>>>> evening with the aid of an epidural she birthed a lovely little
> > boy,
> >>>>> weighing only 8lb5oz. Mum and baby doing well.
> >>>>> I asked her if he commented on the weight , of course he hasn't
> > and
> >> they
> >>>>> don't want to say anything. She was induced for no good reason.
> > She
> >>>>> described the ARM as what she imagines being raped would feel
> > like,
> > (I
> >>>> guess
> >>>>> physically and emotionally) this will also not be passed on to
> > him.
> >>>>> I feel that she was raped and there is nothing I can do about
> > it. I
> >>> can't
> >>>>> force her to acknowledge what happened, her and hubby are
> > relatively
> >>> happy
> >>>>> and she has a beautiful baby that neeeds her. It is safer for
> > them
> > to
> >>>> think
> >>>>> of it as a medical procedure because if you acknowledge it as
> > rape,
> >> who
> >>> is
> >>>>> going to help them deal with it all. How many women and men
> > experience
> >>>> this?
> >>>>> This doctor will never know how he made her feel and can
> > continue to
> >>>>> practice like this because the silence says it is OK. I am so
> >> frustrated
> >>>> and
> >>>>> sad that she had to experience it at all.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> It reinforces my belief in NMAP and the need for women to have
> > the very best of care.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> thanks, I just needed to vent off, my husbands ears are tired,
> >>>>> Megan.
> --
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