In a message dated 3/11/02 8:46:59 AM AUS Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Andrea
Your news hasmade my day Now we need to get rid of FTP as amedical
This turn in costings can also be used in pushing the
Denise Hynd

Good morning all...

Denise....please...what is FTP????

I tend to agree with Marilyn and Kirsten on this one.......I see this a really dangerous for  women......Hospitals and many practitioners, OB's and midwives alike...will not stop their interventonist practices.......those practicises which we see every day that set the ball rolling for that 'cascade of intervention' what will the women do who genuinely require a CS.......or require one due to the mismangement of her labour and birth.....Jo's recent story was a classic example of how the cascade gets happening..... Should the woman in Jo's story....who had an ARM at 8-9 cm....fetal scaple electrode.....for an unhappy penilised finacially should she have had that epidural and a CS...because her caregivers F*&%%#  it all up?????I would argue she's been penilised enough!!!!!

Insurance companys will try and svae a dallor how ever they not refusing to cover won't stop them happening!!! Woman will be just made to pay....finacially more so than before, as well as physically and emotionally!!!

Yours in reforming midwifery
Tina Pettigrew.

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