Woo Weeeeeee!  I am so happy for you Jackie!  What a brave and wonderful woman!!!  Isn't it amazing what a woman's body can do when allowed?. I know you are sooo tired and busy, but if you live North of the River,(or not too far south)  we have an after birth get together on the first Thursday of the month at our Leederville office at 336 Oxford St, 10am - 1pm or whatever time you want to come.  Bring the under two.  It is very informal, bring a packet of bikkies or something small, a dip or what ever.  Today we had mums and  babies ranging from 6 days to 1 year.  Sometimes a friend or sister or Mother (/in law) come as well and add their little bit.  the next one is Thurs 5th Dec.  Cheers, MM

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