This is my suggestion.  Long and hard but worth the try. 
Why don't we through Ozmidwifery organise an outstanding NATIONAL CONFERENCE with All the interested and supportive groups (lead my Maternity Coalition and NMAP).  Invite the most effective members of Parliament and all the Area Chief Executive Officers and many doctors, invite overseas speaker who have made such changes in their country.  Invite universities and educators from all areas. Even the NZ Prime Minister would be helpful.  Invite the major insurance companies.
Don't wait any longer, we are all talking about being united, set some plans now and start working on it in the New Year so we can set some dates.
Who is interested in this united front?
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sally Westbury
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Re Tina's response to Denise

as midwives we must stop declaring ourselves as victims of circumstance and become the architects of our own transformation”  Tina Pettigrew


I believe that this is the key for any hope in implementing NMAP.  Until we see how we could be as midwives, autonomous respected professionals, NMAP won’t happen.


We must stand together as midwives and support each midwife in her chosen place so that women can then find the ‘safe’ place for each individual to birth in. Safe in that the woman will feel safe to birth in her own power.


Unfortunately the ACMI was not able to draw the unifying energy together last year this was tragic.


Sally Westbury


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