Dear All
I like Jan's suggestions as a conference can be seen as just another
conference but what Jan has suggested sounds like a unique political forum??
Locating the activities within the Parliament Houses again
Seeking commitment from politicians.
Getting consumers to attend to show their support will get committment from
This sounds like activity aimed at those who can change our maternity
Yes please
----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] National get-together/Conference

> On 30/11/02 12:12 PM, "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've changed the subject on this one - nearly missed Robyn's post... can
> > please change the title when the content changes from the original
> >
> > Robyn wrote:
> >
> >> Why don't we through Ozmidwifery organise an outstanding NATIONAL
> >> CONFERENCE with All the interested and supportive groups (lead my
> >> Maternity Coalition and NMAP).  Invite the most effective members of
> >> Parliament and all the Area Chief Executive Officers and many doctors,
> >> invite overseas speaker who have made such changes in their
> >> country.  Invite universities and educators from all areas. Even the NZ
> >> Prime Minister would be helpful.  Invite the major insurance companies.
> >>
> >> Don't wait any longer, we are all talking about being united, set some
> >> plans now and start working on it in the New Year so we can set some
> >>
> >> Who is interested in this united front?
> >
> > I am certainly interested in helping with this. I have made a start by
> > making the main thrust of the next Future Birth event a forum for
> > announcing/discussing/exploring NMAP, ACMI the PI issues and what these
> > mean for the future of midwifery in Australia. There is already
> > considerable interest in this event and I hope that we will attract a
> > of midwives (as we did last time) who have not heard of any of this -
> > without them we will get no-where with implementing NMAP.
> >
> > I've been thinking that there is a need to follow this up with
> > of more aspects of this and that perhaps I should mount another event in
> > months instead of 2 years as I normally do.
> >
> > I would be willing to throw the resources of Birth International behind
> > this effort, with profits to go to Maternity Coalition, if it would
> > Getting an event like this off the ground takes time and effort and a
> > of expertise that we could provide.....
> >
> > Let me know what you all think. Meanwhile, we can get the ball rolling
> > the Future Birth event in April. I have some ideas for supporting
> > Coalition through this event as well.
> >
> > Andrea
> >
> > -----
> > Andrea Robertson
> > Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> >
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > web:
> >
> >
> > --
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> Count me in Andrea ..
> Perhaps we could hold this event in the A.C.T. During a national
> sitting? That way we could invite all the key politicians to visit the
> conference venue and reaffirm their commitment to the NMAP.
> Each session could be hooked up to a video network with all capital and
> larger cities in the states and territories. Groups of midwives and women
> from around the country can they relay their local concerns diredtly to
> their Federal member and question they after they present.
> Just a thought
> Jan
> --
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