I was part of a deputation to Health Minister, Wendy Edmond at the Country Cabinet Meeting in Cairns in June.  The main issue I discussed was the rationalisation/centralisation of birthing services in regional areas because of reduction of number of doctors doing obstetrics and for short term budget reasons.  Health Minister was pretty clueless and her right hand man ??deputy-director general of QHealth had the traditional doctor view of birth as a perilous event that is extremely hazardous to mother and baby without the heroic hand of the doctor.
I gave them a copy of NMAP (which promptly got buried under a pile of other stuff) and had a short discussion about it- only had about 5 minutes to give my spiel. Neither of them had heard about it at that stage and I left feeling that I had wasted my time but I do believe every little bit helps.  We need to make sure they keep hearing about it from many different people in many different places.  I guess they are a little more familiar with the NMAP now.  We need to make sure it keeps cropping up where ever they are. We have to NAG.  Nagging, as my 7 year old son can vouch, is a very effective tool for getting what you want!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:08 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Community Cabinet Meetings - QUEENSLAND

Hi everyone,
Just a bit on the community cabinet process as it is a fantastic opportunity to actually meet with Ministers.
QLD Cabinet Ministers meet in regional areas regularly. In 2002, Community Cabinets have been held at Stanthorpe (South East QLD), the Brisbane Convention Centre, Moranbah (Central QLD), the State Library (Brisbane), Sunnybank Hills (Brisbane), Cairns (North QLD), Barcaldine(Central QLD), Longreach (Western Queensland), the Royal Queensland Show (the Ekka -Brisbane), Gympie (South East QLD), Ipswich (South East QLD) and Chatsworth (North West QLD). In addition a full Cabinet has meet in Townsville (North QLD).
The cabinet meetings are part of the Government election promises to get out of hear what the community is saying. "It's part of the commitment to being a Government for everybody no matter where they live in Queensland"
You can request a formal deputation or just rock up on the day and hope for the best. A formal deputation is the better option as you get allocated time but you have to get in early.  The Department of  Premier and Cabinet office handles the Community Cabinet so if anyone is interested in attending one next year (I don't think there are any more this year) I suggest you contact the Department and find out where they are being held.
In addition there are quarterly Ministerial Forums which are held in each region of QLD. At the Forums, two Cabinet Ministers meet with twenty regional representatives, who represent a broad cross section of the community to discuss ideas and issues of regional significance. The purpose of the quarterly Forums is for regional communities to identify priority issues, needs and problems they want to raise with Government, and provide the mechanism for those issues to be presented directly to State Government Ministers by community members. This is another good opportunity to target the Pollies.  There are opportunities for local individuals and groups can raise proposals directly with the State Government through these Forums . For more information you need to talk to Regional Communities Division (Department of Premier and Cabinet) on (07) 3235 9027
I am not sure if other states have similar processes as it was an initiative that the Labour party set up as part of it's election campaign.
-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Hynd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 2 December 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Fw:


Dear Listers
 I am forwarding part of an email from the daughter of a friend in Brisbane to share with you her efforts and enthusiasm
I did not know any premier had open house cabbinet meetings??

Hi Denise,

............................I went with friends to the community cabinet meeting at Ipswich recently which starred Peter Beatty, Wendy Edmund etc and mmy friend put a question to them at question time re what are they doing about improving the maternity care for women and babies in QLD, in view of the horrendous intervention and c-sec rates.  Of course Peter stumbled and bumbled and basically said that NMAP has been presented to the Federal govt and it’s up to them to do something about it and provide the funding and that he would refer our concerns to them.  Deb and I will be visiting our local member very soon with Bruce Teackle I think.  We are going to take a written statement of what the ‘now’, what’s wrong with it, and what we want.   I’m very excited about that.  Birthtalk is going well and we have started a media strategy so you might see/hear about us soon down that way.  And Deb and I are also off to a meeting with the Homebirth association soon which I will really enjoy.  I heard a homebirth story the other night at Birthtalk and it was so brilliant and powerful and inspiring.


I just noticed that email you forwarded was from Pinky McKay (The Bumper Stickers) – do you know Pinky?  I’ve read some of her work, it’s wonderful stuff, I love the way she advocates for parenting and mothering babies and children. 

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