On 29/12/02 9:21 AM, "Larry & Megan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A woman in the inner west of Sydney is looking for some support. She is 35
> weeks pregnant, first baby, and is currently booked in at the
> R.P.A.(formerly King George V), in the midwifery programme, to birth in the
> birth centre.
> However she is not feeling like there has been muchh continuity and has not
> felt comfortable with many of the midwives she has met. She would like to
> talk this trough with a sympathetic midwife on the programme but doesn't
> know who to contact and is fearful of having her concerns dismissed.
> Any suggestions?
> Any doulas in this area that are available, it might be a way of getting
> some continuity for her.
> Thanks in advance
> Megan.
> --
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Dear Megan

Doula Express is based in the inner city area I think ... However, if this
woman is going to pay a doula for some continuity of care, why not consider
paying her own midwife and plan to have her baby on her own turf?

To adequately deal with her problem this woman should voice her concerns
about lack of continuity of midwifery care with the manager of the Birth
Centre and see what can be done about changing the status quo. If she gets
nowhere with this tactic, next approach the clinical services manager, Val
Smith who is trying to some more choices for women introduced into RPA.

It would not be impossible for one of the birth centre midwives to take this
woman on as their personal "case" and agree to be on call for her when she
comes into labour. She will never know what she can achieve unless she talks
about her needs with the people who are caring for her.

I suggest you also tell this woman about the Maternity Coalition and get her
to access their website. The MC NMAP makes a great evidence-based document
when trying to achieve a change in midwifery care.

This woman should place the NMAP document in front of the Birth Centre
manager while making her plea for the BC midwives to consider changing their
model of care. The more women who matter "NMAP" to hospital managers the
sooner they will have the choice of having continuity of care from a

I wish her good luck

Jan Robinson


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