Dear List,

I have suffered 2x weekly since early March with a blocked duct/s in the
right breast - exactly the same segment each time.  The first time this
month I was interstate in Tas, and it wasn't resolving after 36 hrs (I had
no fever) so saw a GP who didn't ask any symptoms, prescribed amoxyll and on
enquiring baby's age (11 mos) told me to wean as now there was no benefit to
bf-ing. (What a guy!)  Also had ultrasound and swallowed cider vinegar and
resolved within the next 24 hours.

This has since been happening disturbingly regularly and resolving in around
24 hours or just over each time.  Getting to be a real pain - literally and
figuratively - spending lots of time in pain, and massaging, baby to breast,
expressing, heat packs, cold packs - really takes the time out of the day
when it happens.  I am committed to bf-ing for at least 24 months (bf-ed no.
1 son for 22) and wondered if I need medical help or if I need LC help from
someone who will appreciate/support my desire to continue bf-ing rather than
encouraging to wean - I would be somewhat distraught if weaning were to
occur just yet (baby will be 1 on Monday).

I live in Melbourne (Elsternwick) and wondered if there was someone who
could be recommended as sympathetic to my adherence to the WHO

This doesn't seem to be mastitis (which I have had with first baby) - I
don't feel generally unwell or have a fever - I guess would progress to same
if not corrected??

Sorry to bag on...

Jo Slamen

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