Hi Jo, have you considered seeing a Homoeopath?  (one who is specialised in
Homoeopathy not just did it in Naturopathic college) A very good remedy for
blocked ducts is Phytolacca, but all remedies need to be specifically chosen
for the individual.  MM

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jo Slamen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Midwifery List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 8:16 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Recurring Severe Blocked Duct - Help for Me

> Dear List,
> I have suffered 2x weekly since early March with a blocked duct/s in the
> right breast - exactly the same segment each time.  The first time this
> month I was interstate in Tas, and it wasn't resolving after 36 hrs (I had
> no fever) so saw a GP who didn't ask any symptoms, prescribed amoxyll and
> enquiring baby's age (11 mos) told me to wean as now there was no benefit
> bf-ing. (What a guy!)  Also had ultrasound and swallowed cider vinegar and
> resolved within the next 24 hours.
> This has since been happening disturbingly regularly and resolving in
> 24 hours or just over each time.  Getting to be a real pain - literally
> figuratively - spending lots of time in pain, and massaging, baby to
> expressing, heat packs, cold packs - really takes the time out of the day
> when it happens.  I am committed to bf-ing for at least 24 months (bf-ed
> 1 son for 22) and wondered if I need medical help or if I need LC help
> someone who will appreciate/support my desire to continue bf-ing rather
> encouraging to wean - I would be somewhat distraught if weaning were to
> occur just yet (baby will be 1 on Monday).
> I live in Melbourne (Elsternwick) and wondered if there was someone who
> could be recommended as sympathetic to my adherence to the WHO
> recommendations!
> This doesn't seem to be mastitis (which I have had with first baby) - I
> don't feel generally unwell or have a fever - I guess would progress to
> if not corrected??
> Sorry to bag on...
> Jo Slamen
> --
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