I'd say go for it. You obviously both understand the limitations of isolation and so long as that is the case then it is ultimately her decision. The woman is better with you than without you. I am assuming that you must have someone else on the island who is proficient in CPR and I would include them in your birth preperations. Once the baby is born there are two people to be considered and it is reassuring to know that there is someone who can care for each in the unlikely event that they are needed. Non birthing people seem to panic at the idea so springing it on someone at the last minute is not a good idea but if they get to work through the remainder of the pregnancy with you both and see that you are making the decision on healthy ideals then they will be more comfortable when the time comes.
What about offering an island holiday to a midwife +/- family around the time of birth, Anyway have a great time and keep us informed about the plans
Andrea Quanchi
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 12:14 PM, Medical Officer wrote:

Hi everyone,
I am at present the sole medical person and midwife on an isolated island where the nearest medical help is seven days away by ship. All mothers over the past 10 years have gone to Auckland to have their babies. I am at present looking after a mother with her second pregnancy (to a new partner) who would like to have this baby on the island where she resides. She had a fairly easy first delivery and this pregnancy has progressed well (she is 24 weeks) with no complications. I am reasonably happy to continue looking after her and delivering on island but I am wondering what other midwives etc. would recommend.
Any feedback on this would be great.

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