Twilight sleep is still used in some countries sadly. One of my colleagues is training with me as a doula. She had her fourth baby with our group last year. Her first two were born in the Phillipines 10 and 8 years ago. She had what she called twilight sleep - administered through her IV when she said the pain was very strong - she was almost fully dilated and had wanted a "Lamaze" birth. She was completely unconscious and has absolutely no recollection of the birth at all. Her babies were both born vaginally, she suspects with forceps. Her third and fourth were born here in Singapore. Number 3 was an induction for supposed hypertension at 38 weeks. Her fourth, when she moved to our group and the ob we work with, was a wonderful natural birth. She talks about the exp[erience of her first two births as being very frightening and having difficulty bonding with her babies afterwards. She is unsure of the drugs that were used but the description of the effects sounds veyr much like scopolamine. And we get frustrated about evidence based care not being followed in the West!
Nikki Macfarlane
Childbirth International
Distance training for the world's childbirth educators and doulas

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