Dear Anne and others trying to get media attention,
I wonder if acting in concert with local  Greens and Democrat members of parliament would help or work??
I trust you all know that NMAP is Greens and Democrat policy and through that they have knowledge or a source of it about the issues!!
And thus they may also may gain political mileage for example our local Giz could not only stand up and say Bob is right not to fund private businesses (priv Obs) but he could save more or Public and tax payer money by funding increased access to CMWA across WA!!!
Thats what I am trying to tell her
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] JLY1 outcry!

Dear Denise,
Yes, the AMA is obviously got a Nation wide campagin going on this matter.
As far as the media is concerned (as well as the pollies) here in Brisbane - and in other States too - we write, call the media and local and State pollies, ask for meetings.
The ACMI is certainly trying to bring to it to the attention at the National Level at least to the pollies and the media that Midwifery care is the cost effective go.
The Maternity Coalition is doing all it can to maintain a profile with the media and government about this issue, and the inequity of choice for maternity care for women and that there is no need to 'rescue' obs from anything.
Anne Clarke
Dear All
The WA branch President of AMA was on the radio and TV (ABC) today trying to get the govt to contribute to the increase in PI of priv Obs saying the women will have to pay and are already paying between $100 to $500 per pregnancy and will get higher!!
Otherwise we wil not have enough doctors to deliver babies!!

Mins of Health says the govt has covered the Obs in Public health and the country!
Is this happening in all states?

How do we get the media to acknowledge the savings of contracting private midwives for the government , health funds and community??
Denise Hynd

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