----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 7:33 PM
Subject: We had a boy

I Just wanted to let you know how the birth of my fourth baby went. We had a beautiful big boy at the Birth Centre here in Brisbane.  It was a wonderful experience that I still tell people about even now 4 months later (just leave out some of the more personal details).  When I first rang my midwife I told her I had been having irregilar contractions since 5pm but now regular (approx 9.30pm) at 3min appart & that I was coping well at home, but with my history of fast labours she said I had better come in (I think she could hear something in my voice & Marty said he knew it was time to go anyway - I on the other hand was in my own world).  We woke the kids & packed them into the car & off we went.  On the way to the hospital my contractions got closer & in between contractions my almost 9yo daughter (Emilie) dozed, & my 6.5yo (Jeremy) & 3.5yo (Ethan) talked to me about what was happening.  Jeremy asked me if the baby was going to come out of my belly (he knew where a baby comes from but my sister had recently had a c/section) & Ethan piped up "babies come out of a mummy's vagina don't you know Jeremy"... this set me off laughing & along came another contraction.  Soon after another contraction (I would bang my head on the head rest for distraction) Jeremy said to me "Mummy how about you take big breaths in & out with your next pain to help" so I made an effort & he breathed along with me for the rest of the trip.... he was a real help.   I arrived at the BC with my husband, 3 children, mother & two sisters in tow at 10pm.  My Midwife had the tub full because she new I wanted a water birth, & she had beautiful music playing.  I got into the tub soon after arrival (it was like sinking into heaven - what wonderful pain relief), Marty sat on the edge of the tub to support me & my three children hopped in and paddled around me rubbing my back with a contraction.  Our midwife was wonderful & encouraged & welcomed my children... they felt so comfortable being there & we were all very excited.  After a few contractions I asked the kids to get out (I was feeling that I needed to focus & have my own space at this time... maybe going through transition?).  Not long after I started to push, push & push & even though the urge was as strong as it had ever been I didn't feel like I was moving my baby much at all (I'd never worked this hard at pushing before) & I had bad lower back hip pain with each contration (which was also new to me).  Anyway, a short time later his head emerged but I was still pushing with all my might & it felt to me like he just wasn't going any further so when I heard our midwife tell Marty to get me up "now" I knew there was a good reason & was already on my way up & she had to give him a little tug because his shoulders were tight, he was born at 10.51pm on Sat 15th March (11 days before Emilie's birthday).  I had minimal blood loss & a physiological third stage on the birth stool.  Emilie cut the cord prior to third stage being complete but after it had stopped pulsating (she normally hates the sight of blood or even hearing the word but to be involved & cut the cord didn't bother her).  I offered him a feed whilst waiting for placenta but he was to busy letting the world know that he was here.  He weighed 4540 grams (10lb) & was my biggest baby by almost 500 grams.  I had not even a graze & didn't even feel like I had had a baby (was that the mostly water birth?).  He breastfed well & he is still thriving.  Our midwife showed Emilie & I my placenta & Emilie was very interested... midwife explained it all to her.  Emilie made the comment "it looks yucky mummy but I know it is very important & it's also good to know for when I go to Aunty Leasa's (my sister who was present) next birth (she is inviting herself & baby is not even planned yet)".
This was my first BC baby, my first waterbirth, my first birth without VE, my first birth without any form of drugs (1st baby gas & peth, 2nd & 3rd gas only), my first birth in a squating position/upright (all others were semi-sitting), my first physiological third stage, first birth where the midwife truly trusted me & my ability.  Also the first time any of my children attended a birth.  All of my births were amazing & beautiful, but this was that little bit more special because I truly got what I wanted & I new exactly what I wanted before hand.  Also there is alot to be said (as you all know) for knowing your midwife.. then you can trust each other.
I have to say that I did end up with the excruciating afterbirth pains that were worse than they had ever been (but lasted for less days than previously)... hot packs & panadeine helped me through but only just. 
Thankyou for listening to my story (wish I had the creative writting gift so that I could make it sound as special & truly wonderful as it was... this does not do it credit) & A BIG THANKYOU to everyone who offered advice to my questions before my birth.  IT WAS ALL VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.   
Love to you all, 
Tina H. Brisbane.

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