Good luck Jodie...  hope all goes beautifully for you.  I joined FBC at the
FBC postnatal morning tea when Jay was 8 weeks old.  Since then I have
attended the infant massage morning & had a great get together with some of
the other March birth mums.  What a wonderful organisation.  Looking forward
to becoming more involved (when time permits).

Tina H.  Brissbane

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jodie Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fw: We had a boy

> Congratulations Tina and Marty!  It's so nice to receive such wonderful
> feedback about our beloved birth centre in Brisbane.
> I'm 39wks pregnant myself and eagerly awaiting the birth at "our" birth
> centre.  Best of health and happiness to you and your family.
> Jodie Miller
> Friends of the Birth Centre Qld Assoc.
> On Sunday 06 July 2003 19:46, M & T Holroyd wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: M & T Holroyd
> > To: ozmidwifery
> > Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 7:33 PM
> > Subject: We had a boy
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I Just wanted to let you know how the birth of my fourth baby went. We
> > a beautiful big boy at the Birth Centre here in Brisbane.  It was a
> > wonderful experience that I still tell people about even now 4 months
> > (just leave out some of the more personal details).  When I first rang
> > midwife I told her I had been having irregilar contractions since 5pm
> > now regular (approx 9.30pm) at 3min appart & that I was coping well at
> > home, but with my history of fast labours she said I had better come in
> > think she could hear something in my voice & Marty said he knew it was
> > to go anyway - I on the other hand was in my own world).  We woke the
> > & packed them into the car & off we went.  On the way to the hospital my
> > contractions got closer & in between contractions my almost 9yo daughter
> > (Emilie) dozed, & my 6.5yo (Jeremy) & 3.5yo (Ethan) talked to me about
> > was happening.  Jeremy asked me if the baby was going to come out of my
> > belly (he knew where a baby comes from but my sister had recently had a
> > c/section) & Ethan piped up "babies come out of a mummy's vagina don't
> > know Jeremy"... this set me off laughing & along came another
> > Soon after another contraction (I would bang my head on the head rest
> > distraction) Jeremy said to me "Mummy how about you take big breaths in
> > out with your next pain to help" so I made an effort & he breathed along
> > with me for the rest of the trip.... he was a real help.   I arrived at
> > BC with my husband, 3 children, mother & two sisters in tow at 10pm.  My
> > Midwife had the tub full because she new I wanted a water birth, & she
> > beautiful music playing.  I got into the tub soon after arrival (it was
> > like sinking into heaven - what wonderful pain relief), Marty sat on the
> > edge of the tub to support me & my three children hopped in and paddled
> > around me rubbing my back with a contraction.  Our midwife was wonderful
> > encouraged & welcomed my children... they felt so comfortable being
there &
> > we were all very excited.  After a few contractions I asked the kids to
> > out (I was feeling that I needed to focus & have my own space at this
> > time... maybe going through transition?).  Not long after I started to
> > push, push & push & even though the urge was as strong as it had ever
> > I didn't feel like I was moving my baby much at all (I'd never worked
> > hard at pushing before) & I had bad lower back hip pain with each
> > contration (which was also new to me).  Anyway, a short time later his
> > emerged but I was still pushing with all my might & it felt to me like
> > just wasn't going any further so when I heard our midwife tell Marty to
> > me up "now" I knew there was a good reason & was already on my way up &
> > had to give him a little tug because his shoulders were tight, he was
> > at 10.51pm on Sat 15th March (11 days before Emilie's birthday).  I had
> > minimal blood loss & a physiological third stage on the birth stool.
> > Emilie cut the cord prior to third stage being complete but after it had
> > stopped pulsating (she normally hates the sight of blood or even hearing
> > the word but to be involved & cut the cord didn't bother her).  I
> > him a feed whilst waiting for placenta but he was to busy letting the
> > know that he was here.  He weighed 4540 grams (10lb) & was my biggest
> > by almost 500 grams.  I had not even a graze & didn't even feel like I
> > had a baby (was that the mostly water birth?).  He breastfed well & he
> > still thriving.  Our midwife showed Emilie & I my placenta & Emilie was
> > very interested... midwife explained it all to her.  Emilie made the
> > comment "it looks yucky mummy but I know it is very important & it's
> > good to know for when I go to Aunty Leasa's (my sister who was present)
> > next birth (she is inviting herself & baby is not even planned yet)".
> >
> > This was my first BC baby, my first waterbirth, my first birth without
> > my first birth without any form of drugs (1st baby gas & peth, 2nd & 3rd
> > gas only), my first birth in a squating position/upright (all others
> > semi-sitting), my first physiological third stage, first birth where the
> > midwife truly trusted me & my ability.  Also the first time any of my
> > children attended a birth.  All of my births were amazing & beautiful,
> > this was that little bit more special because I truly got what I wanted
& I
> > new exactly what I wanted before hand.  Also there is alot to be said
> > you all know) for knowing your midwife.. then you can trust each other.
> >
> > I have to say that I did end up with the excruciating afterbirth pains
> > were worse than they had ever been (but lasted for less days than
> > previously)... hot packs & panadeine helped me through but only just.
> >
> > Thankyou for listening to my story (wish I had the creative writting
> > so that I could make it sound as special & truly wonderful as it was...
> > this does not do it credit) & A BIG THANKYOU to everyone who offered
> > to my questions before my birth.  IT WAS ALL VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.
> >
> > Love to you all,
> >
> > Tina H. Brisbane.
> --
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