
I am fairly new to this list, I hope that this is the right place to be asking these 
questions. I had my first child 18 months ago in Adelaide, at the Birth Centre at the 
QEH. We received truly excellent care throughout my pregnancy, the birth and with 
breastfeeding problems afterwards, I wouldn't hesitate to go back but we are now 
living in Sydney. I am not yet pregnant but I am feeling anxious to know what my 
options are and a girlfriend who lives round the corner has just found out she is 
pregnant so we have decided to explore all the options available to us together. I 
would like to know:

1) is there a publicly funded caseload/continuity of care program running anywhere in 

2) is there any publicly funded homebirth otpion available in sydney? 

3) where do I find a list of independent midwives working in the eastern suburbs?

4) does the RWH birth centre allow you to book as a private patient under the care of 
an independant midwife? If so is there a limited list of midwives who have admitting 
rights? The same questions for the KGV birth centre actually.

5) where can I find out stats on the birth centres at Randwick and KGV such as 
transfer out rates (before and during labour), intervention rates for transfered women 
and also any policies I am likely to want to know about (for example do they have 
policies regarding active management of 3rd state, water birth, breech, twins, vbac, 
time limits, etc).

6) who is the right person to contact in order to make a time to see the RWH and KGV 
birth centres and talk in person about their philosophies and policies?

7) I would also like to make a shortlist of good OBs should one become necessary  so 
anyone on this list who is able to recommend an OB practicing preferably at RWH/POWP, 
but anywhere in sydney would do, who is very supportive of natural birth and is for 
example homebirth friendly and experienced with vaginal breech, please let me know. I 
would also be very grateful for warnings of anyone to particularly steer clear of. 

If you prefer to answer this last question privately (or any of the questions really) 
please feel free to email me directly.

thanks so much!
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