Title: Message
Last night I got a phone call seeking a referral for a Doula (my midwife) and had a lovely chat to a potential VBAC woman who didn't have a friggin' clue. She was so scared and misinformed and we talked about alot of things before I referred her onto the support group that really helped me in my birthing journey, Birthtalk. I think she was just glad for a listening ear and a bit of acknowledgement of what she was dealing with.
Today I called my friend Deb who helps run Birthtalk and she told me that a girl who had attended just one of our meetings several months ago (another VBAC--previous C-Section for breech) went away and did a bunch of research and then had a wonderful homebirth (something she never would have even considered before coming along to Birthtalk). I was so chuffed about this because I remember this scared little girl and how she didn't really understand or know anything about the maternal health system and her rights etc etc...
Whenever we plant a seed for a tree someone else will sit under, we are doing an amazing thing. I hope you all find this encouraging as I have and I congratulate the girls from Birthtalk for their wonderful support group which has made such a difference in women's lives!

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