
Have just seen your email. I have NCT stuff here at home - I can post details to you. Email me offlist.

Debbie Slater
Perth, WA

jo hunter wrote:
Excellent...thanks for that Andrea. Could you possibly post the contact
details of these groups for me? The woman seeking this info doesn't have
email, so I will be snail mailing it all to her.
Cheers Jo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth support group in Wales?

Hi Jo,

In all my travels in Wales I haven't come across any community groups for
homebirth such as HAS.  There are NCT (National Childbirth Trust) groups
but they are broad based, not just focusing on home birth. BTW, if she
wants a home birth while she is in Wales, she should be able to have one,
without any problems, through the National Health Service. They have a new
Welsh Government intitiative in place that is really supportive of
midwifery and home birth, and the rate of homebirths is climbing rapidly


most areas. The Caerphilly Birth Centre is also an excellent mdiwifery


(not far out of Cardiff). If your member wants any other ideas, she can
email me and I will give her some contacts....


At 07:34 PM 6/09/2003, jo hunter wrote:

Hi all,
I had one of our members contact me today, she explained that she and her
family were moving to Wales at Christmas time and would like to link up
with a group similar to H.A.S. in Wales. Does anyone know of such a


Thanks in advance.
Jo Hunter

Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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