Title: C/S in Sydney Morning Herald
On behalf of all women who are to bear Australia's future babes, I thank you for your dedication and tenacity.
The general public need to be made fully aware of this ever increasing trend of c.sectioning and all it's risks. Womankind's inherent ability to birth (the way God intended us to) is being sorely questioned at present.
Keep chipping away at the system, please.
The SMH have confirmed the following letter will appear in tomorrow’s paper.


As soon as safety is mentioned in obstetrics by Obstetricians there’s a mad rush.

What they neglect to inform us is that many of their practices are not based on evidence and that despite huge medical intervention, safety has not improved in Australia.  In fact the latest data on maternal deaths saw an increase.  This study represents a very sad fringe of the medical profession.

A woman is 4-5 times more likely to die from a caesarean section than from a normal vaginal birth.  A figure quoted in the last Senate Committee report into childbirth procedures.  It is also well noted that surgical intervention in birth increases post-natal depression.  With a C/S rate 2.5 times higher than the World Health Organisation recommends, high incidences of post-natal depression and no report into what seems to be a high incidence of maternal morbidity, this study would be highly unethical and a denial of a woman’s most basic human right.

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