Title: Message
If you are willing (actually if any of you are willing) I have been working on trying to get Ross Coulthardt from the Sunday Show on Channel 9 to do a story on maternity services in Australia but he needs some insiders who are brave enough to speak out. The problem that we've encountered here in Qld is that the midwives in the system are too afraid for their jobs (and rightly so), plus we don't want to lose our good midwives and consumers are often not all that keen to speak out after their babies are born because they just want to get on with things.
There are two things we need to do to get more of women's stories out to the media... get those who have already left the system to speak out and encourage consumers to speak out.
We have had several situations warranting this...a couple of egs. are...  a woman having to drive down from Toowoomba in labour to give birth at the birth centre because the hospital DON in Toowoomba said they don't "do natural birth" there because the obs. students need more practice at intervention.... A woman being told she had to have a c-section when she wanted a vaginal breech birth (this one we successfully leaked to the media and got good coverage) at a public hospital in Brisbane, a woman being told she would be forced to have a caesarean simply because she'd had a previous one (also in Toowoomba).
Please think seriously about these issues and how you can help get them onto the media agenda. A programme like Sunday is good because they are investigative and the journos are reputable. Ross is sympathetic to our cause and all he needs is lots more stories like these so it warrants further investigation on his part. ... A few brave whistle blowers are needed.
Cas McCullough
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Pettifer
Sent: Saturday, 8 November 2003 8:05 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

I am leaving a midwifery position where I have continually witnessed brutal assaults to labouring, birthing women, no doubt deeply traumatised by their experience for a long time afterward, likewise their significant others supporting them during the childbirth experience.  Prior to my resignation I need to make a difference. 
Initially I was horrified, complained to other midwives/obstetric nurses I work with, whom were judgemental, commenting that perhaps I should seek employment elsewhere.  I complained to the unit manager whom decided I should attend the next obstetric meeting sharing my concerns with obstetricians involved.(And get shot between the eyeballs) 
As a stand alone midwife, NZ trained, I began informing women what to expect with vaginal examinations and what not to expect, hence:discomfort, not excruciating pain. That painful VE are unnecessary.
Feedback from women post VE:
"I felt like I had been raped."
"It felt like my wisdom teeth were being pulled out through my vagina."
"The pain was so bad I tried to crawl out the top of the bed to get away."
"My husband will never forgive me for this."
Breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes that this crap is allowed to continue.  My main goal is to make a change for even one women that I make a connection with, the reason I continued to work there.
 For my professional, personal well being, but mostly for women I need to take this one step further.   I desperately want these obstetricians to realise that their vaginal examinations are brutal assaults and not acceptable. 
I am prepared to do what ever it takes to stop women suffering.  
  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
At this point I would prefer to remain anonymous for the time being, I know you will understand.
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