I talk to the women, give the balances info and comment that O prefer not to give it. I have found that it has only been when I have given synto that I have trouble with 3rd stage.  Recently was with a woman, no blood loss at birth, I only recognised separation because the cord lengthened and the fundus rose. Placenta slipped out.  On the other hand I have witnessed massive blood loss over 2500mls.      Maureen
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kristy Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback

Hi Denise,
I actually talked about this topic and informed choice in an essay for one of my subjects at the beginning of the year (for the Grad. Dip. of Mid.), in which i did quite well in. Where I have done my placements this year and will work next year as a grad (rural Victoria), the management of third stage is only touched upon in antenatal classes, and women are given a clear indication of which method is preferable. No detail is given as to what physiological third stage involves. When the time comes after the birth of the baby, consent is assumed rather than sought and the women are told 'here's a little injection i'm going to give in your leg now to help the placenta come away.' It seems as though it is presumed that women choose to have active management of third stage because they choose to have their baby in this hospital. The only cases i have witnessed where synt is not given is where the woman is well educated and informed and states on her birth plan, on arrival to the ward, and after  the birth of her baby, that she does not want an active third stage.
-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Hynd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 3:00 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback

Dear Ozmid list,
I need to know or get some feedback about the prevelance of physiological third stage in Australia.
That is are women being offered the option of birthing their placentas with out an oxytocic injection in Australain hospitals
and is it standard practice to give women informed choice about this in homebirths (as I understand it)

Personal expereinces of situations and protocols would be appreciated
Thank you

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