It certainly sounds like the ob is rubbing his hands together waiting for
his c/section fee!! Probably by his management, his twins do arrive in 4
hours, hauled out or cut out.

I've been around probably 6 sets of twins in my time, and also have John
Stevenson's data on 12 sets he was involved with - mostly all at home. The
labours are as unpredictable and unique as any labour is, but there is a bit
of a pattern to the time between the births of the two. In John's 12 sets,
the majority of second babies arrived within 20 minutes of the first. An
hour later was the next usual time between, and then there were a few
further apart than that. In one of the sets I was around, the babies were
born 23 hours apart!!

As far as size of babies and length of pregnancy goes, there is the usual
variation, with quite a number of twins arriving 3 weeks early, but also
some going over term. The first set I was privileged to attend were born at
42 weeks, and were 7lb 2oz and 8lb 1oz. John's sets had similar ranges.

Sounds like this poor woman will need heaps of work to balance her fears
after each visit to the ob. Better still, she should ditch him altogether or
he will continue to undermine her trust and faith in herself totally. Is she
hoping to birth them normally?

Hope this helps,

> Hi guys,
> I need to ask your advice again if you don't mind. I saw my twins couple
> again tonight and the mum was very tense. They had just gone to see their Ob
> and he discussed the birth with them.
> 1.  He has told them that they must head for the hospital as soon as she is
> in labour as twins usually arrive in around 4 hours???? Is this correct or
> an Ob's                 imagination gone wild.
> 2. He also told her that she would be given an epidural when she was at
> 4cms and forceps would be used to deliver both babies quickly.
> 3. He said she would be induced early because the babies at this stage are
> already bigger than average size, he quoted 5lb 11oz  (she has 6 weeks
> to go) and asked them to think about a date to be delivered. He is really
> programming in an early arrival for them and says it every time they visit
> him.
> How much of this is truth and how much is B.S
> This is only my 2nd twins couple but boy am I learning quickly. The first
> had no probs whatsoever but then they were delivered in a country hospital.
> Many thanks
> Diane Gardner
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