Just had to tell you about an amazing woman who birthed her twins at home in QLD yesterday evening. Fantastic! She is incredible. Strong labour for maybe 2 hours, no pushing to speak of for twin 1, twin 2 born 40 mins later - a bit harder as she had her hand coming first. Placenta came 20 mins later, blood loss 700 mls. Twin 1 a boy 3400g, twin 2 a girl 3500. She had had her other 2 children at home and saw no reason not to with these 2, so organised 2 midwives. Older children watched twin 1 but not interested in twin 2. Had a friend from across the road helping who was just in her element and had not seen a birth apart from her own - she was stoked. Leigh
----- Original Message -----
To: list
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:57 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] PPH

From Midwifery Today E-News: At the beginning of my practice as a midwife, we had a homebirth client who was expecting her fourth baby. She had hemorrhaged badly after each of her prior hospital births. I called [midwife/herbalist] Lisa Goldstein and asked her, expecting a negative answer, if there was anything we could suggest so this woman would not bleed at her homebirth. Lisa's one-word answer: "Alfalfa."

Alfalfa's roots go extremely deep into the soil; it contains every vitamin and mineral known to man; and it is a good source of vitamin K, a natural blood clotter. The mom began to take alfalfa religiously and had completely normal—scant even—bleeding postpartum (she had a wonderful homebirth!).

Since then I have learned quite a bit more about avoiding postpartum heavy blood loss. During the past 11 years, it has been extremely rare for a client of mine to bleed seriously. Most of my clients choose to try the following suggestions, and nearly all have had minimal, normal bleeding. I keep medications on hand but throw them out and replace them, unused.

Here is the crux of what we do:

  • Check the mom's hemoglobin at 28 weeks and again at 36 weeks; use natural means to help her avoid anemia.
  • Recommend an excellent multiple vitamin from NF formulas (available through birth supply firms), Spectrum 2C, at the full 8-per-day dose, throughout pregnancy. The number of capsules seems large, but the beneficial minerals, etc., are bulky. (many prenatals simply don't supply much in their one-a-day form).
  • Require that women take alfalfa, 8–12 tablets per day, any brand.
  • For other reasons, especially the formation of the baby's brain, I recommend taking fish oils (4 capsules per day) or vegetarian DHA capsules.

It is a lot of pills, but think of it as the nutrients your food is missing. I suggest taking half of them in the morning and half in the evening. Bagging one month's worth in small ziplocks makes it easier. Keep them where you will remember to take them (e.g., where you brush your teeth).

I have been able to compare my methods with those of other caregivers because I also worked in a birth center and assisted other midwives whose clients have not had the benefit of these protective components. I have seen some serious bleeding in women who don't use these methods. Even then, it is usually stopped with herbs. My favorite is 30 drops (three droppersful) of Lady's Mantle tincture, which stops bleeding "right now"! The Web site, www.gentlebirth.org/archives/, gives other midwives' suggestions.

I assume you will eat healthy food and take a good brisk walk (30–45 minutes) each day. It would be great if you found someone with a calmer approach to placenta birthing!

— Julie Martin, CPM, NHCM

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