Wonderful, strong woman!  Good on her!
Just had to tell you about an amazing woman who birthed her twins at home in QLD yesterday evening. Fantastic! She is incredible. Strong labour for maybe 2 hours, no pushing to speak of for twin 1, twin 2 born 40 mins later - a bit harder as she had her hand coming first. Placenta came 20 mins later, blood loss 700 mls. Twin 1 a boy 3400g, twin 2 a girl 3500. She had had her other 2 children at home and saw no reason not to with these 2, so organised 2 midwives. Older children watched twin 1 but not interested in twin 2. Had a friend from across the road helping who was just in her element and had not seen a birth apart from her own - she was stoked. Leigh

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