Thank you Julie for the great photos.  Lieve, the Dutch midwife,sent me a great series of a baby born underwater in the caul (like my client)  I would be happy to pass them on.  Lieve said they wouldn't be accepted on the list , probably because they would come through as an attatchment.  cheers, M
If you visit and click on “about Julie” and then click on the pdf file Respecting Childbirth as a Rite of Passage, you will see the photos of my babies births.

The second one Ryan was born in the caul.


I hope this helps.


I am sure the paed would also love to know that Ryan swims like a dolphin and is a wonderfully sensitive gentle giant of a teenager J

There is just something about Ryan that everyone warms to.


We still have Ryan’s caul – to keep it we had it laminated – he even took it to “show and tell” in kindy.  Now that’s sharing of knowledge isn’t it? You should have seen the teacher’s face!


Warmest regards,




Julie Clarke CBE

Childbirth and Parenting Educator

ACE Grad-Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer


Transition into Parenthood

9 Withybrook Pl

Sylvania NSW 2224.

T. (02) 9544 6441

F. (02) 9544 9257

Mobile 0401 2655 30



From: owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mary Murphy
Sent: Monday, 23 February 2004 10:08 PM
To: list
Subject: [ozmidwifery] BORN IN CAUL


Today a paediatric registrar  told me that it was impossible for my recent client to have birthed her  baby "in the caul".  He was wanting photographic proof.  I explained that we didn't take photos of such events because 1) it would mean using a "flash"- He couldn't see the problem , & 2) we don't know in advance that it is going to happen.  Does anyone have photos of this "impossible" event?   cheers, MM

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