Is it any wonder that all these children are havng such a dreadful time sleeping - when we live in a world  a "good" baby is one who sleeps all night... and tucked far away in her own bed, in another room .. (like it or not)... AND if she doesn't do that... make her scream and sob her heart out... her spirit will eventually be broken....she'll surrender and eventually sleep....
" a mother and a newborn have every right to be together from birth on. This can make a significant contribution toward producing a trusting individual capable of warm, close relationships. Both Mother and Child have a need for reciprocal stimulation which should not be interfered with. Yet the greatest interference of all is placed upon them. Separation. The reasons for this separation are now being questioned."
(The Family Bed by Tine Thevenin)...
"A lot of people are so square as to think they're entitled to a night's sleep. Nobody is entitled to a full nights sleep, whether a parent or not, if someone needs her or him."
(also from the Family Bed)
kind regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:34 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Interesting article

This is interesting and makes me wonder if there was any pattern in the sleeping arrangements of these children?? i.e. co-sleeping, separate bedrooms etc....this seems to be often overlooked as a variable in such studies.
Helen Cahill

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