Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] 60 minutes
Hi All

Yes they got us again (despite 5hrs of talking with them and them agreeing)  What is the worst thing is I had no idea that Vanessa O’Gorman or Tracey Curio were going to be on (despite 2 requests as to who else was on and a confirmation of who with no word of these 2!)  I would not have gone if I knew about Vanessa!

Also I tried very hard to line up a midwife (they spoke with her and said oh she says all the same things you say!!)  I lined up 2 supportive Obs (one who has done 400 vaginal breaches) and is a great guy, they said they would interview him, they didn’t.  I think it is so important to attack them on their own story heading, “Mother’s Choice” yeah what choice!

Perhaps Media Watch may be interested!

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