Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] 60 minutes
Dear Justine,
Intelligent veiwers will see just in terms of time and relative presentation of interviews, Liz Hayes empathy that the program was biased.
Trouble is how many will analyse it??
Two prominent journalists both who were "very informed' of the horror alternatives and one who lost a baby from a determined effort to have natural birth but saved the next with a C/s and prominent doctor how can any  natural childbirth advocate speak out against them ....
How can any one speak out and suggest bias let alone it was also negligent and insulting to anyone who does not agree with the right of any and all  woman to choose vaginal by pass surgery - hang the costs or consequences to the majority of women and our community!!
Hang the wonders of childbirth, and the wishes and the efforts of the majority of pregnant, all the research about what is safe and the risks of intervention, let alone surgery and 30 national enquiries, escalating costs, the pain of mothers and babies and now increasing maternal deaths !!
Let alone sidelining and dismissing midwives "she only had a midwife" ........
How low can journalists sink??
More importantly can we let this one go publicly unchallenged??

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 60 minutes

Hi All

Yes they got us again (despite 5hrs of talking with them and them agreeing)  What is the worst thing is I had no idea that Vanessa O’Gorman or Tracey Curio were going to be on (despite 2 requests as to who else was on and a confirmation of who with no word of these 2!)  I would not have gone if I knew about Vanessa!

Also I tried very hard to line up a midwife (they spoke with her and said oh she says all the same things you say!!)  I lined up 2 supportive Obs (one who has done 400 vaginal breaches) and is a great guy, they said they would interview him, they didn’t.  I think it is so important to attack them on their own story heading, “Mother’s Choice” yeah what choice!

Perhaps Media Watch may be interested!

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